The DAC mixer that’s revolutionizing lab mixing is here. The Hauschild SpeedMixer® SMART DAC Series beautifully blends intelligence, efficiency, power and repeatability in a precision crafted machine engineered to change the game. Designed with a new mechanical configuration and ultra-sophisticated controller, the Hauschild SpeedMixer® SMART DAC aims to mix the “unmixable”, as it boosts daily lab mixing to levels of efficiency never reached before.

The Hauschild SpeedMixer® SMART DAC Series is designed to be virtually maintenance free, indestructible, and to raise the bar on performance. Up to 20% more powerful vs the standard LR version, the SMART DAC features variable counter rotation, increased mixing weight to 1.5 kg and 2.0 kg, mixing volume up to 2.8 litres and up to 30 minutes of mixing time. The improved structure also allows mixing from 200 rpm up to maximum speed without the risk of high vibrations, offering a big advantage when, for example, a light powder is one of the components.

Optional Features on All SMART DAC Machines