Hauschild Speedmixer®  DAC 3000-10000 Series

The Hauschild Speedmixer®  DAC Series 3000 - 10000 can be used in laboratories and operations as well as for production. With a mixing capacity of up to 10kg.

The Hauschild Speedmixer® DAC 3000 - 10000 is useful for 1 and 2 part silicones, polyurethanes, polysulfides, acrylics and a wide range of other materials. There are certainly a great number of products not included in this list that can benefit from the use of the SpeedMixer technology. With disposable cups, there is no worry about contamination in colour master batches, pharmaceutical products, or other sensitive materials, since the machines have no mixing components to clean. 

Datasheet for Hauschild Speedmixer® DAC 3000 HP / VAC-P

Datasheet for Hauschild Speedmixer® DAC5000 HP / VAC-P

Datasheet for Hauschild Speedmixer® DAC 10000 HP